WattCycle X SCYAK
February's battery prizes have arrived for SCYAK, and we’re thrilled to announce that the rest of the year's batteries are expected to arrive in January!
All you need to do is come, cast, compete, and show up at the post-event presentation. A random number picker will decide who gets a trip to the prize table, where you’ll walk away with a 20Ah, 12Ah, or 8Ah battery at every event!
WattCycle X S.A.B.B.A
WattCycle is proud to sponsor the S.A.B.B.A fishing competition on August 31, 2024. We are providing 3 Units of 12V 100Ah LiFePO4 Battery for Trolling Motors with Bluetooth as prizes for the participants. Attendees can also enjoy gifts and exclusive discount coupons for shopping on our official website by checking in at the event. Join us for a fantastic day of fishing and fun!
SABBA will host its second fishing tournament of the year at Lake Logan Martin on August 31, 2024 coming out of the Lincoln Landing boat ramp at 740 Travis Dr, Lincoln, AL 35096
Labor Day BIG PRIZE MONEY Double header tournament on Lake Logan Martin
Congratulations to the winners of the AL Morris (Tim Hatcher & Lee McClenton Jr.) and SABBA (Robert Evans & Keenan Roberts) Labor Day Tournament. The calcutta was over $15,000 not to mention, first place prize money for both tournaments were up for grabs! Come join our monthly tournaments at UPWA for a chance at thousands in winnings, AND if you're good enough, you could qualify to go to the Bassmaster's team trail and/or Bassmaster's Classic.

Sponsorship Highlighted at the S.A.B.B.A Fishing Competition

Champion Celebrates Victory with WattCycle's Top-Tier Prize
Explore The Fishing Adventures Gallery
About WattCycle Sponsorship
WattCycle is excited to support upcoming events such as RV travels, fishing competitions, group camping and etc. If you have any creative ideas, we’d love to hear from you! Bring your event proposals, and let’s work together. We’re enthusiastic about the opportunity to sponsor your events and make them even more special.